––––Registration––– Tetris Max is shareware. If you play the game, please pay the $10 shareware fee. In addition to the features present in the unregistered version, the registered version of Tetris Max contains several additional features. Among them are the ability to load alternative backgrounds and piece graphics from an external file, and an "autoplay" mode in which the computer plays against itself, making the best move it can for each piece as it falls. When you register your copy of Tetris Max, you will be sent (via postal mail or e-mail) a unique registration code that will allow you to remove the shareware notice, unlock the additional program features, and optionally personalize your copy of Tetris Max so that your name appears in the registration info box in the corner of the screen. Registration entitles you to any and all future versions of Tetris Max, but does not entitle you to any free disks from the author- these may be purchased separately if you wish. Tetris Max pricing schedule: personal: First License $10.00 Each Additional Personal License $5.00 site licenses: 10-Machine Site License $50.00 25-Machine Site License $100.00 Unlimited Site License $150.00 disks: Latest Version on Disk $4.00* (for materials and shipping) Bonus 4-Disk Set (inludes $10.00* latest version plus extra music, backgrounds, and piece graphics) * registered users only, price includes materials and shipping To order, use the "Tetris Max Reg Form" application included with the game. Use the registration application to print the registration form and fill it out, then mail it along with payment in the form of check or money order payable to "Opinicus Microtech" to: Opinicus Microtech P.O. Box 390180 Cambridge, MA 02139 Please send only checks or money orders in U.S. dollars, or international postal money orders in U.S. dollars, or cash. I cannot accept checks in foreign currencies, Eurocheques, or other forms of payment. I wish I could accept credit card orders, but the expense of processing them prevents me. If you have any questions or comments about Tetris Max, please don't hesitate to contact me! I can be reached by writing to the address above, or by email at granola@aol.com. Thank you for registering Tetris Max!